Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm Getting Married...

I'm Getting Married...

As a (so called normal) girl, i also had my own dream of wedding day and all related attributes during that particular day in life...

But yet.. Marriage is not only about me and what I wanna do...

It's about "Us" which contains two hearts, two thoughts, and two wishes...

And now i've realize it, I just have to deal with it as well...

Banyak hal yang sesungguhnya ingin aku siapkan untuk moment pernikahanku itu.

Aku ingin sekali pesta pernikahan outdoor, di kebun bunga yang penuh warna.

Aku juga ingin bouquet bunga yang nanti kubawa adalah bouquet bunga rose warna ungu kesukaanku.

Tapi itu tidak mungkin. Tidak terwujud.


Tapi rasanya hal-hal itu tidak perlu aku jadikan alasan kekecewaan.

Kalau dipikir-pikir, aku toh sudah mendapatkan keinginan yang lain juga kok.

Menikah di tanggal cantik yang selama ini aku inginkan,

Juga menggunakan model wedding dress yang memang aku harapkan.

And of course, i'm marrying someone who fits best for me!


So what else should i be upset for?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Think God Can Explain

I Think God Can Explain
by : Splender
There's a lot of things I understand And there's a lot of things that I don't want to know But you're the only face I recognize It's so damn sweet of you to look me in the eyes

It's alright, I'm ok

I think God can explain

I believe I'm the same

I get carried away

It's alright, I'm ok

I think God can explain

I'm relieved, I'm relaxed

I'll get over it in the end

The scent of vaseline in the summertime

The feel of an ice cube melting over time

The world seems bigger than both of us

Yet it seems so small when I begin to cry

It's alright, I'm ok

I think God can explain

I believe I'm the same

I get carried away

It's alright, I'm ok

I think God can explain I'm relieved, I'm relaxed I'll get over it in the end

I'm so much better than you guessed I'm so much bigger than you guessed I'm so much brighter than you guessed

It's alright, I'm ok I think God can explain I believe I'm the same I get carried away It's alright, I'm ok I think God can explain I'm relieved, I'm relaxed I'll get off of your back

I think God can explain, I think God can explain I think God can explain


It sucks when you suddenly become silent after someone said things that ruined your whole life plan just by answering "NO" to...